Lughnasadh (Lammas)

Lughnasadh (Lammas)

Lughnasadh (Lammas): August 1


Lughnasadh originates from a Celtic festival that was first recognized in commemoration of the God, Lug. These festivals included matchmaking, harvesting, trading goods and athletic events/competitions. Lughnasadh is a time for celebration of the harvest and saying farewell to summer.


Symbols of Lughnasadh:

Colors: Yellow – Orange – Gold - Green

Foods: Grapes – Wine – Beer – Bread – Grains – Blackberries – Pears - Currants

Stones: Citrine – Peridot – Carnelian – Gold Topaz – Clear Quartz - Amber

Symbols: Corn Dollies – Wheat – Cauldron – Herbs – Threshing Tools

Flowers: Sunflowers

Deities: Lugh – Ceres – Vesta


How can I celebrate?


Bake bread.

Reset your altar.

Renew your spiritual practice.

Take a ritual bath.

Enjoy a feast.

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