Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Mabon (Autumn Equinox): September 21 – 29


Mabon marks a point where the harvest season is coming to an end. It is a time for celebration, reflection, thankfulness and joy. It is also a time for balance, equality and harmony. Mabon is an excellent time to set intentions that involve decrease and reduction. An example would be ending bad relationships, unhealthy habits or self-destructive beliefs.


Symbols of Mabon:

Colors: Orange – Red – Yellow – Brown – Copper – Dark Yellow & Green

Foods: Corn – Beans – Squash – Apples – Pumpkins – Cider – Root Vegetables – Pomegranate - Wine

Stones: Amber – Citrine – Aventurine – Sapphire - Jasper

Symbols: Cornucopia – Pinecones - Seends

Flowers: Sunflowers – Thistle – Marigolds

Herbs: Yarrow – Rosemary – Sage – Mugwort - Rosehips

Deities: Mabon – Green Man – Demeter – Persephone – Morgan – Pomona – Inanna


How can I celebrate?


Decorate your home for Autumn.

Go to an apple orchard and pick apples for a pie, or a ritual showing your thanks for the bounty.

Host a feast for loved ones.

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