

Beltane: May 1


Beltane originates from the Celtic word Bel or Baal (Bright One). Beltane is celebrated as farmers sought protection and abundance from the gods. During this time, bonfires were built and farmers would lead their livestock through the fires.

These fire Rituals were held at that time to protect them from harm, both natural and supernatural. There were also rituals to protect crops, dairy products, people, and to encourage growth. The Aos Sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane and the goal of many Beltane rituals was to appease them.

Beltane is a time for feasting.


Symbols of Beltane:

Primary Colors: White – Dark Green – Red

Foods: Dairy – Honey – Oats – Mead – Lamb

Stones: Sapphire – Bloodstone – Emerald – Orange Carnelian – Rose Quartz

Symbols: Goat – Honeybee – Fae – Pegasus – Rabbits – Maypole – Basket

Flowers & Plants: Primrose – Lilac – Hawthorn – Birch – Rosemary – Ivy – Woodruff – Rowan – Violet – Alfalfa – Cedar – Peppermint – Lavendar

Deities: Aphrodite – Artemis – Freya – Rhiannon – Apollo – Bel/Belnos – The Great Horned God – Boand/Boann.


How can I celebrate?


Create a bonfire.

Decorate a tree with colorful ribbons that represent your wishes during the remainder of the year.

Decorate wreaths, bouquets and garlands for your home with tons of yellow.

Self Care, treat yourself to a special meal, music, aromas.

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