Samhain (Last Harvest/Witches New Year)

Samhain (Last Harvest/Witches New Year)

Samhain (Last Harvest/Witches New Year): October 31 – November 1


Samhain marks the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, and the end of the harvest season. It also signals the beginning of winter, which can be associated with death. On this day, the Celts believed the veil between the living and the dead was especially thin. This allowed spirits of the dead to visit the living.

In the 9th century, Pope Gregory marked Samhain as “All Souls Day” or All Saints Day” instead which is later transformed to Halloween.

There are many rituals associated with Samhain today. These include dancing, feasting, taking nature walks, and building altars to honor their ancestors.


Symbols of Samhain:

Colors: Black – Brown – Yellow – Purple – Gold – Silver – Red

Foods: Apples – Pumpkin – Roasted Game Birds – Cider – Dark Wine – Pears – Root Vegetables

Stones: Smoky Quartz – Amber – Obsidian – Pyrite – Onyx – Carnelian – Turquoise

Symbols: Bats – Cats – Black Birds – Cauldron

Flowers & Plants: Calendula – Sunflowers – Wormwood

Tools: Candles – Bones – Besoms – Mirrors – Altars - Athame

Deities: Demeter – Cerridwen – Dionysus – Hecate – Lilith – Hades – Persephone - Hestia


How can I celebrate?


Some Wiccan families cast a circle and think of their deceased loved ones.

Carve pumpkins/gourds.

Attend a fall festival

Build an ancestral Altar for loved ones who have passed.

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